Welcome to MPATTonline!
MPATT is the acronym for The Medical Professionals Association of Trinidad and Tobago. It is a registered and official trade union, as of May 2002 under the Trade Unions Act, Chap 88:02.
MPATT’s main purpose is to secure the interests of medical professionals in carrying out their duties within the Health Sector of Trinidad and Tobago. On 24th August 2009, MPATT was successful in its application for recognition as the majority trade Union for doctors employed with the South West Regional Health Authority. This gives MPATT the right and authority to collective bargaining for doctors in SWRHA.
MPATT continues to function as the defacto Trade Union for doctors in the North-West, North Central, Eastern and Tobago Regional Health Authorities where it can currently negotiate on an individual member’s behalf. MPATT can legally represent each member in Industrial Relations matters that may arise during the course of their career.
MPATT’s main purpose is to secure the interests of medical professionals in carrying out their duties within the Health Sector of Trinidad and Tobago. On 24th August 2009, MPATT was successful in its application for recognition as the majority trade Union for doctors employed with the South West Regional Health Authority. This gives MPATT the right and authority to collective bargaining for doctors in SWRHA.
MPATT continues to function as the defacto Trade Union for doctors in the North-West, North Central, Eastern and Tobago Regional Health Authorities where it can currently negotiate on an individual member’s behalf. MPATT can legally represent each member in Industrial Relations matters that may arise during the course of their career.
URGENT NOTICE 20/01/20145
Dear Colleagues
Please be advised of a Special General Meeting to be held on Thursday 22nd January 2015 at 12 MD at the Doctor's Common Room, San Fernando General Hospital.
Agenda - Salary Negotiations 2009-2015
Kindly be guided accordingly.
Please be advised of a Special General Meeting to be held on Thursday 22nd January 2015 at 12 MD at the Doctor's Common Room, San Fernando General Hospital.
Agenda - Salary Negotiations 2009-2015
Kindly be guided accordingly.

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MPATT is greatly saddened to be informed of the unfortunate incident which recently took place at San Fernando General Hospital where one of our female colleagues was accosted by man who attempted to rob and molest her while forcing her to drive out of the hospital compound. MPATT offers its sympathy to our colleague who had to endure a very harrowing ordeal. MPATT acknowledges the bravery of our colleague who had the presence of mind to pull into a parked Regiment vehicle, so that an alarm would be raised and assistance would be rendered.
MPATT has spoken many times about the poor security which is provided for the many health workers employed by the Regional Health Authorities. Many of the RHA employees work evening and late night shifts and are therefore extremely vulnerable when arriving or leaving the institution compounds. Our female colleagues are particularly at risk and more stringent security protocols must be adopted to ensure their safety.
MPATT urgently met with the SWRHA Executive to ensure that the needs of the affected employee were addressed and we expect that the SWRHA will be doing all that is necessary to facilitate her during this difficult time. SWRHA also assured MPATT that security presence will be increased to protect personnel during late hours and that the security service is available via phone to all medical personnel on a 24/7 basis. MPATT would like to see that these measures be adopted as a permanent arrangement and not just a knee-jerk reaction to this most recent unfortunate event.
MPATT will convene a meeting to get feedback from its Membership on their security concerns at the workplace and what its membership would like to see implemented going forward. Subsequent to this meeting, MPATT’s views will be submitted in writing to the relevant authorities.
MPATT Executive
MPATT has spoken many times about the poor security which is provided for the many health workers employed by the Regional Health Authorities. Many of the RHA employees work evening and late night shifts and are therefore extremely vulnerable when arriving or leaving the institution compounds. Our female colleagues are particularly at risk and more stringent security protocols must be adopted to ensure their safety.
MPATT urgently met with the SWRHA Executive to ensure that the needs of the affected employee were addressed and we expect that the SWRHA will be doing all that is necessary to facilitate her during this difficult time. SWRHA also assured MPATT that security presence will be increased to protect personnel during late hours and that the security service is available via phone to all medical personnel on a 24/7 basis. MPATT would like to see that these measures be adopted as a permanent arrangement and not just a knee-jerk reaction to this most recent unfortunate event.
MPATT will convene a meeting to get feedback from its Membership on their security concerns at the workplace and what its membership would like to see implemented going forward. Subsequent to this meeting, MPATT’s views will be submitted in writing to the relevant authorities.
MPATT Executive
MPATT held an emergency special meeting at the San Fernando General Hospital on 11th November 2014. The meeting was convened to discuss a counter proposal offer from the SWRHA, in respect of ongoing salary negotiations between the SWRHA and MPATT for the period 2009-201. This counter proposal offer was in effect, correspondence from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health to the Chairman of the SWRHA, advising that approval was given for a package of benefits to be used as the basis of negotiations between the SWRHA and MPATT.
MPATT reiterates to its membership that this counter proposal is not a final document but is to be used as a basis for negotiations between SWRHA and MPATT. As MPATT’s position should reflect the views of its membership this special meeting was held to solicit same. MPATT has noted many recent calls by members of the medical fraternity for updates and discussions on salary negotiations however MPATT only received a counter proposal during the middle of this year. That proposal was grossly inadequate and was immediately dispatched by MPATT as not fit for discussion with the membership. MPATT asked for a serious counter-proposal to be made, which was dated 4th November 2014 and received on the 10th November, 2014.
A summary of the discussions with the membership at this special meeting on 11/11/14 is as follows:
MPATT also explained that historically, basic salary could not be increased beyond the level of the Permanent Secretaries as they were the most senior public servants. The founding members of MPATT had fought hard for allowances to be included, which would serve to augment the total package for doctors while leaving the basic salary below that of senior public servants.
Immediately after meeting with its membership, the Executive of MPATT met with the Joint Negotiating Team where the concerns of the membership were put forward to the JNT. MPATT was advised to put these concerns and suggestions in writing however the JNT could not give a definite timeframe for a revised counter proposal as there were quite a number of suggested changes. MPATT awaits an urgent response from JNT.
MPATT would like to urge members of the medical profession to become members of the union as this can only serve to strengthen the membership and by extension, the bargaining power of the union. MPATT acknowledges many important points were made by doctors at this most recent meeting however unfortunately many attendees were not MPATT members and we cannot represent non-members. MPATT has been working to represent the interests of individual doctors in many matters across all RHAs and those doctors who are members of MPATT and have been represented by the union in their respective industrial relations matters, can attest to the importance of having an MPATT representative there with the institutional memory and knowledge of good industrial relations practices.
MPATT takes note that some individual doctors have perused the most recent counter proposal and have their own suggestions which have found its way to the media. While these suggestions may coincide with the views of the membership of MPATT, understand that in the case of SWRHA, the employer is legally required to negotiate with MPATT through a process of bargaining to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome which MPATT has been engaged in for the last five years since receiving RMU status. The precedent that is set by MPATT will set the tone for all other RHAs where MPATT does not have RMU status. If you sign new arrangements prematurely, and MPATT successfully negotiates an improved contract, your existing contract will be binding. This is not a time for forming sub-groups and splinter-groups and seeking to destabilize your union; MPATT is only as strong as its membership and the battle for improved terms and conditions of employment must be fought in the bargaining room across the table from the employer, as it has been done in the past.
Please be guided accordingly.
MPATT Executive.
MPATT reiterates to its membership that this counter proposal is not a final document but is to be used as a basis for negotiations between SWRHA and MPATT. As MPATT’s position should reflect the views of its membership this special meeting was held to solicit same. MPATT has noted many recent calls by members of the medical fraternity for updates and discussions on salary negotiations however MPATT only received a counter proposal during the middle of this year. That proposal was grossly inadequate and was immediately dispatched by MPATT as not fit for discussion with the membership. MPATT asked for a serious counter-proposal to be made, which was dated 4th November 2014 and received on the 10th November, 2014.
A summary of the discussions with the membership at this special meeting on 11/11/14 is as follows:
- The counter-proposal package from the SWRHA for the period January 1, 2009 to October 31, 2010 and November 1, 2010 to October, 2013 for medical professionals was unanimously REJECTED.
- The position that allowances should be consolidated into a flat salary was unanimously ACCEPTED
- The membership unanimously agreed that salary increases should be implemented from 1st January 2015 and that all backpay should be paid by 31st January 2015.
- The membership unanimously ACCEPTED that the motor-vehicle tax and Value-added Tax exemptions should be reinstated
- The membership ACCEPTED the bargaining position of MPATT that Continuing Medical Education (CME) allowance be consolidated to $30,000 per year, with the option to accumulate over a two-year period. The membership REJECTED the position that applications by doctors for CME allowance need to be justified.
- The membership unanimously ACCEPTED that the Communication allowance be reinstated and increased to $600.00
- MPATT Executive suggested an option of 4% increase per year from 2011-2013 and then 5% per year for 2014-2015 with 20% increase on allowances, which would be an approximate increase of 23%.
- The membership unanimously ACCEPTED that negotiations should extend and apply to the 2015 period.
- The membership REJECTED the proposed percentage increases for the relevant period. The membership was asked to suggest alternative bargaining positions. A number of suggested options were put forward by members present, which seemed arbitrarily determined, yet were similar to the numbers that MPATT has proposed in its initial Salary Proposals to SWRHA.
MPATT also explained that historically, basic salary could not be increased beyond the level of the Permanent Secretaries as they were the most senior public servants. The founding members of MPATT had fought hard for allowances to be included, which would serve to augment the total package for doctors while leaving the basic salary below that of senior public servants.
Immediately after meeting with its membership, the Executive of MPATT met with the Joint Negotiating Team where the concerns of the membership were put forward to the JNT. MPATT was advised to put these concerns and suggestions in writing however the JNT could not give a definite timeframe for a revised counter proposal as there were quite a number of suggested changes. MPATT awaits an urgent response from JNT.
MPATT would like to urge members of the medical profession to become members of the union as this can only serve to strengthen the membership and by extension, the bargaining power of the union. MPATT acknowledges many important points were made by doctors at this most recent meeting however unfortunately many attendees were not MPATT members and we cannot represent non-members. MPATT has been working to represent the interests of individual doctors in many matters across all RHAs and those doctors who are members of MPATT and have been represented by the union in their respective industrial relations matters, can attest to the importance of having an MPATT representative there with the institutional memory and knowledge of good industrial relations practices.
MPATT takes note that some individual doctors have perused the most recent counter proposal and have their own suggestions which have found its way to the media. While these suggestions may coincide with the views of the membership of MPATT, understand that in the case of SWRHA, the employer is legally required to negotiate with MPATT through a process of bargaining to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome which MPATT has been engaged in for the last five years since receiving RMU status. The precedent that is set by MPATT will set the tone for all other RHAs where MPATT does not have RMU status. If you sign new arrangements prematurely, and MPATT successfully negotiates an improved contract, your existing contract will be binding. This is not a time for forming sub-groups and splinter-groups and seeking to destabilize your union; MPATT is only as strong as its membership and the battle for improved terms and conditions of employment must be fought in the bargaining room across the table from the employer, as it has been done in the past.
Please be guided accordingly.
MPATT Executive.
URGENT NOTICE 09/11/2014
Dear Members
Please be advised of an emergency Special General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 11th November at 12 MD at the Doctor's Common Room, San Fernando General Hospital.
Agenda - Salary Negotiations 2009-2011.
Kindly be guided accordingly.
Please be advised of an emergency Special General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 11th November at 12 MD at the Doctor's Common Room, San Fernando General Hospital.
Agenda - Salary Negotiations 2009-2011.
Kindly be guided accordingly.
MPATT has been looking on at the public debate concerning the increase in salaries and remuneration for judges. We note with great concern that salary negotiations for doctors within the various RHA’s have not been completed.
MPATT had submitted a detailed proposal package for doctors for the period 2009 to 2011 since December 2009 and to this date has not received a counterproposal from the SWRHA. This three year period has long expired and we are coming to the end of another three year period for which negotiations have not begun.
MPATT would like to reiterate the comments and findings of the Commission of Enquiry into the Operation and Delivery of Public Health Care Services in Trinidad and Tobago, chaired by Justice Gladys Gafoor, which highlighted the effect of inadequate remuneration on the morale, motivation and productivity of staff. Lack of proper compensation packages also significantly impacts upon the decision by many nationals to not return to this country to offer their services after completion of their specialist training.
Doctors across the country are becoming increasingly frustrated because, regardless of inflation and increasing cost of living, they are expected to meet present financial commitments while earning salaries which were last revised six years ago. MPATT, on behalf of all its members, therefore demands that the Joint Negotiating Committee deal with the issue of compensation packages in an expeditious manner.
MPATT would like, once again, to offer deepest and sincerest condolences to Ms. Cottle and Mr. Millington whose newborn baby died at the Mt. Hope Women's Hospital on Saturday 1st March 2014 following an elective Caesarean Section. MPATT notes that they participated in the investigation and recognizes the emotional trauma they would have endured and continue to endure as they anxiously await the release of the official report of the investigative committee.
MPATT also recognizes that the articles published in today's Guardian and Express newspapers must surely have heightened their emotional trauma.
MPATT therefore wishes to place on record that we are very concerned and disappointed that the alleged details of the report could have found itself in the domain of the media before being provided to the very medical staff, or their representatives, who willingly participated in the investigation and fully complied with the provision of detailed reports to the employer as per the Ministry of Health's Adverse Events policy. This sequence of events displays severe lack of professionalism and adherence to proper procedures and protocols on the part of those who have access to this sensitive information. This improper behavior is not in keeping with good industrial relations practice.
MPATT questions whether Ms. Cottle and Mr. Millington were even provided with a copy of the report.
MPATT also questions whether the newspaper articles provided a comprehensive overview of the report to the public or sought only to target certain elements which, out of context in its entirety, can be misleading with an obvious intent to incite.
MPATT cautions against such sensationalism as its only aim is to create mistrust and insecurity in the thousands of health care workers who, on a daily basis, dedicatingly serve the population without any acknowledgement of the selfless duties they perform. This not only creates demoralization amongst highly qualified professionals in the largest service sector of the public service, but also emotional turmoil for the parents and the public as a whole who seek to truly understand the events and expect proper redress in a timely manner.
MPATT therefore strongly condemns the manner in which partial contents of this report were revealed to all those involved in the incident and expects that all parties will now be immediately provided with a copy of the complete report.
MPATT also recognizes that the articles published in today's Guardian and Express newspapers must surely have heightened their emotional trauma.
MPATT therefore wishes to place on record that we are very concerned and disappointed that the alleged details of the report could have found itself in the domain of the media before being provided to the very medical staff, or their representatives, who willingly participated in the investigation and fully complied with the provision of detailed reports to the employer as per the Ministry of Health's Adverse Events policy. This sequence of events displays severe lack of professionalism and adherence to proper procedures and protocols on the part of those who have access to this sensitive information. This improper behavior is not in keeping with good industrial relations practice.
MPATT questions whether Ms. Cottle and Mr. Millington were even provided with a copy of the report.
MPATT also questions whether the newspaper articles provided a comprehensive overview of the report to the public or sought only to target certain elements which, out of context in its entirety, can be misleading with an obvious intent to incite.
MPATT cautions against such sensationalism as its only aim is to create mistrust and insecurity in the thousands of health care workers who, on a daily basis, dedicatingly serve the population without any acknowledgement of the selfless duties they perform. This not only creates demoralization amongst highly qualified professionals in the largest service sector of the public service, but also emotional turmoil for the parents and the public as a whole who seek to truly understand the events and expect proper redress in a timely manner.
MPATT therefore strongly condemns the manner in which partial contents of this report were revealed to all those involved in the incident and expects that all parties will now be immediately provided with a copy of the complete report.
The Medical Professional Association of Trinidad and Tobago Media Release of the Executive of MPATT 17th April, 2014
MPATT wishes to advise its Membership that an injunction was granted by the High Court of Justice at 8:00 a.m. this morning for the purpose of restraining the carrying out of the Election of the MPATT Executive scheduled for today’s date, 17th of April, 2014.
MPATT wishes to advise its membership that it is committed to upholding the rule of law and will abide by the terms of the High Court’s Order, until any further Order is made or there is a full trial of the matter.
MPATT wishes to advise its Membership further that the Order of the High Court is merely an interim order, and the merits of the Claim had not yet been heard and assessed. MPATT will keep the Membership apprised as to further developments in this matter and as to the date of a further SGM for the holding of elections.
Dear Members
Please be advised that an incident occurred at the MPATT Main Office #86 Main Road Chaguanas on Wednesday 9th April 2014 during which the office assistant was accosted by two prominent members of the team "MPATT Reformers" , who are campaigning for the Executive elections. The office assistant indicated that she felt very threatened and traumatised during the incident and has since submitted a medical certificate. Recent communication with her indicates that she is still in a state of fear and anxiety to return to work.
This incident is the first of its kind to ever occur at the MPATT main office. Such hooligan action perpetrated by members of the Association is unprecedented and is unacceptable.
The MPATT office will therefore be closed until further notice and any correspondence should be forwarded to MPATT’s email address (ad[email protected]).
Please be reminded that members of the MPATT Executive are also doctors, just as your good selves, whose primary responsibilities are the contractual obligations to our respective employers. As such, replies to any correspondence will be issued as soon as is possible, given the above circumstances.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please be guided accordingly.
MPATT Executive.
Please be advised that an incident occurred at the MPATT Main Office #86 Main Road Chaguanas on Wednesday 9th April 2014 during which the office assistant was accosted by two prominent members of the team "MPATT Reformers" , who are campaigning for the Executive elections. The office assistant indicated that she felt very threatened and traumatised during the incident and has since submitted a medical certificate. Recent communication with her indicates that she is still in a state of fear and anxiety to return to work.
This incident is the first of its kind to ever occur at the MPATT main office. Such hooligan action perpetrated by members of the Association is unprecedented and is unacceptable.
The MPATT office will therefore be closed until further notice and any correspondence should be forwarded to MPATT’s email address (ad[email protected]).
Please be reminded that members of the MPATT Executive are also doctors, just as your good selves, whose primary responsibilities are the contractual obligations to our respective employers. As such, replies to any correspondence will be issued as soon as is possible, given the above circumstances.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please be guided accordingly.
MPATT Executive.
Dear Colleagues
Please be advised that that an email has been circulated by “A concerned MPATT member” which serves to spread propaganda concerning the upcoming MPATT Elections on April 17th 2014.This person has distributed two documents namely a “MPATT ELECTION FLIER 2014” and “Refusal Letter”.
Please be advised that the “MPATT ELECTION FLIER 2014” was not issued, nor did it originate, from the MPATT Office or any of its Executive members.
The title of the so called “Refusal Letter” is an obvious misnomer since clear instructions were given to this “concerned MPATT member”.
Furthermore, the contents of this “Refusal Letter” originate from the email account of one of the perpetrators who accosted the MPATT office assistant on Wednesday 9th April 2014 and against whom a police report has since been lodged. This said member, from whose email account the content of the “Refusal Letter” has originated, is also a prominent member of a team promoting itself as “MPATT Reformers”.
MPATT urges its membership to not be fooled by these tactics on behalf of the people purporting to reform MPATT.
Please be advised accordingly.
MPATT Executive
Please be advised that that an email has been circulated by “A concerned MPATT member” which serves to spread propaganda concerning the upcoming MPATT Elections on April 17th 2014.This person has distributed two documents namely a “MPATT ELECTION FLIER 2014” and “Refusal Letter”.
Please be advised that the “MPATT ELECTION FLIER 2014” was not issued, nor did it originate, from the MPATT Office or any of its Executive members.
The title of the so called “Refusal Letter” is an obvious misnomer since clear instructions were given to this “concerned MPATT member”.
Furthermore, the contents of this “Refusal Letter” originate from the email account of one of the perpetrators who accosted the MPATT office assistant on Wednesday 9th April 2014 and against whom a police report has since been lodged. This said member, from whose email account the content of the “Refusal Letter” has originated, is also a prominent member of a team promoting itself as “MPATT Reformers”.
MPATT urges its membership to not be fooled by these tactics on behalf of the people purporting to reform MPATT.
Please be advised accordingly.
MPATT Executive
Dear Colleagues
Please be advised of the following:
Rule 11.4 of the MPATT Constitution states “Notice...for the purpose of conducting elections shall be given no later than four (4) weeks prior to the date of the SGM”
MPATT, adhering to its Constitution, advertised its elections in the print media weeks in advance. Notices appeared in TWO separate articles of print media each on both 18th March 2014 and 3rd April 2014.
Rule 11.7 of the Constitution states "Nominations, the seconding thereof, and consent thereto shall be in writing and delivered to the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the date of the election."
Nominations were submitted by a number of members less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the election even though it was advertised in accordance with the MPATT constitution.
Furthermore, two MPATT members who are campaigning as part of a team named “MPATT Reformers” visited MPATT's office on the morning of Wednesday April 9th 2014 to obtain information pertaining to elections. The office assistant responded to their demands, as directed by a member of the Executive, but they proceeded to accost her to the extent that she felt threatened and intimidated. They blatantly recorded their actions via a cell phone even though she explicitly advised against recording on the premises. This was witnessed by another person who also was present at the time. This witness also admitted that she herself felt threatened. Police reports were made to this effect.
Because of the risk of any further aggressive behaviour, the office assistant has informed us that she cannot function at work because of fear and anxiety.
Those two members have been informed of their immediate suspension according to Rule 12.1.b which states "The following shall constitute offences against the Association: Conduct calculated or likely to bring the Association into disrepute."
Rule 12.3.b further states "Any member found to have committed an offence under these rules shall be subject to the following: Suspension of membership..."
MPATT is saddened when any of its professionals who are supposed to regard the profession, and by extension the public, with absolute respect display such atrocious behaviour. More so, this behaviour was displayed by persons campaigning for Executive positions and perpetrated against a member of the public employed by MPATT. This cannot be the representation that the upstanding doctors of this country should expect or deserve.
MPATT Executive
Please be advised of the following:
Rule 11.4 of the MPATT Constitution states “Notice...for the purpose of conducting elections shall be given no later than four (4) weeks prior to the date of the SGM”
MPATT, adhering to its Constitution, advertised its elections in the print media weeks in advance. Notices appeared in TWO separate articles of print media each on both 18th March 2014 and 3rd April 2014.
Rule 11.7 of the Constitution states "Nominations, the seconding thereof, and consent thereto shall be in writing and delivered to the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the date of the election."
Nominations were submitted by a number of members less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the election even though it was advertised in accordance with the MPATT constitution.
Furthermore, two MPATT members who are campaigning as part of a team named “MPATT Reformers” visited MPATT's office on the morning of Wednesday April 9th 2014 to obtain information pertaining to elections. The office assistant responded to their demands, as directed by a member of the Executive, but they proceeded to accost her to the extent that she felt threatened and intimidated. They blatantly recorded their actions via a cell phone even though she explicitly advised against recording on the premises. This was witnessed by another person who also was present at the time. This witness also admitted that she herself felt threatened. Police reports were made to this effect.
Because of the risk of any further aggressive behaviour, the office assistant has informed us that she cannot function at work because of fear and anxiety.
Those two members have been informed of their immediate suspension according to Rule 12.1.b which states "The following shall constitute offences against the Association: Conduct calculated or likely to bring the Association into disrepute."
Rule 12.3.b further states "Any member found to have committed an offence under these rules shall be subject to the following: Suspension of membership..."
MPATT is saddened when any of its professionals who are supposed to regard the profession, and by extension the public, with absolute respect display such atrocious behaviour. More so, this behaviour was displayed by persons campaigning for Executive positions and perpetrated against a member of the public employed by MPATT. This cannot be the representation that the upstanding doctors of this country should expect or deserve.
MPATT Executive
Dear Members
Please be advised of the following:
As previously advertised, the date and venue for the MPATT election of Executive Officers is Thursday 17th April 2014 at the MPATT Main Office, 86 Main Road Chaguanas. The time of the election was subject to availability of the office space as it is shared by other services.
The time has since been finalized and in an effort to facilitate the participation of as much members as possible, the election process will proceed over a period of 5 hours to begin at 12 midday and end promptly at 5pm.
All eligible voters are urged to make appropriate arrangements with their respective Heads of Department to ensure that they can present themselves to participate in the election process.
Concerning eligibility for voting, Rule 4.1 of the constitution states that:
“A member shall be eligible to vote only after he shall have completed 6 (six) months continuous membership and must not be a Defaulting Member on the the date of election.”
The list of eligible members is continuously being updated and will be available on the day of elections to ensure members are eligible to vote. Individual members can,however, be made aware of their eligibility prior to the date of elections by:
2. contacting MPATT via e-mail ([email protected]).
All eligible voters are hereby informed that they must present at least one form of valid picture ID (National ID/ Driver’s Permit/Passport) to be allowed to proceed with the election process.
The voting process will be by secret ballot and presided over by an independent representative of the Public Services Association (PSA) to ensure a fair voting process. In this regard, the list of valid nominations will be made available by the Presiding Officer on the day of elections prior to the commencement of voting.
Voting is the right and responsibility of all non-defaulting members and you are hereby urged to exercise that responsibility. We look forward to your participation.
MPATT Executive.
Please be advised of the following:
As previously advertised, the date and venue for the MPATT election of Executive Officers is Thursday 17th April 2014 at the MPATT Main Office, 86 Main Road Chaguanas. The time of the election was subject to availability of the office space as it is shared by other services.
The time has since been finalized and in an effort to facilitate the participation of as much members as possible, the election process will proceed over a period of 5 hours to begin at 12 midday and end promptly at 5pm.
All eligible voters are urged to make appropriate arrangements with their respective Heads of Department to ensure that they can present themselves to participate in the election process.
Concerning eligibility for voting, Rule 4.1 of the constitution states that:
“A member shall be eligible to vote only after he shall have completed 6 (six) months continuous membership and must not be a Defaulting Member on the the date of election.”
The list of eligible members is continuously being updated and will be available on the day of elections to ensure members are eligible to vote. Individual members can,however, be made aware of their eligibility prior to the date of elections by:
- checking their payslips to ensure that they have been paying their Union fees for the previous 6 months up to and including March 2014
2. contacting MPATT via e-mail ([email protected]).
All eligible voters are hereby informed that they must present at least one form of valid picture ID (National ID/ Driver’s Permit/Passport) to be allowed to proceed with the election process.
The voting process will be by secret ballot and presided over by an independent representative of the Public Services Association (PSA) to ensure a fair voting process. In this regard, the list of valid nominations will be made available by the Presiding Officer on the day of elections prior to the commencement of voting.
Voting is the right and responsibility of all non-defaulting members and you are hereby urged to exercise that responsibility. We look forward to your participation.
MPATT Executive.
What has MPATT been doing for its members?
- MPATT met with officials at the Ministry of Health in 2013 after meeting on many instances with the SWRHA in 2012 regarding counter proposals for salary negotiations. Details of these meetings were posted on MPATT’s website. As of January 2014, MPATT understands that the counter proposal is being finalized by a high-level team within the Ministry. Despite several rumors over the last year regarding MPATT’s proposals to the Ministry, our proposal was always available on our website for public access and has never wavered from the proposal that MPATT communicated to our members at meetings in SFGH, SGDH, POSGH and EWMSC.
- MPATT has intervened in the issue of the removal of motor vehicle tax and VAT exemptions from doctors. Affected members, that is, those who heeded MPATT’s call to submit their individual statements regarding refusal by their RHA to facilitate these exemptions, would be pleased to know that MPATT has received positive feedback from the Ministry and a resolution is imminent.
- As a trade union, MPATT is not at liberty to put as public information, the many battles that have been fought on behalf of its membership, but some may question what MPATT has done for doctors. MPATT does not have to remind its membership about the fierce battles of late 1990s and early 2000s which resulted in an almost three-fold increase in salaries for doctors; those who worked tirelessly in the trenches will surely never forget those times and will appreciate what a victory that was for the profession. No other Union has ever achieved a 300% increase.
More recently, MPATT has fought not-so-public battles on behalf of individual members at the various RHAs
- In the ERHA, MPATT most recently ensured the repayment of allowances to a member whose allowances were being adjusted when on leave. Two other very similar matters are currently receiving the attention of the ERHA on behalf of our members.
- In the NCRHA, MPATT has had significant success on behalf of individual members. Going back to 2008, MPATT represented a doctor who penned a December 17, 2008 letter expressing “sincerest gratitude… to representatives of MPATT…for invaluable advice and support…” This same doctor appears to have a change of heart as he now most recently openly asks whether MPATT has done anything for doctors and whether members are happy with representation. He now wants Reform.
- Two other doctors were distressed in 2012 when the NCRHA attempted to recover monies paid to them under the pretext that they had not earned it, and MPATT intervened successfully, notwithstanding that it took quite a long time to achieve this result. One other doctor was accused of having abandoned the job and again MPATT intervened with a positive result.
- MPATT provided first counsel to doctors involved in the QAC matter in NCRHA this year, and wrote numerous letters to the CEO to ensure that due process was followed.
- In the SWRHA, MPATT recently represented one of its members at the Industrial Court who was accused of having abandoned the job. This member eventually won judgment against the SWRHA in Court and has since been compensated in excess of $350,000.
- MPATT also provided first counsel to doctors involved in the CBR matter in SWRHA, and intervened to ensure that due process was followed. MPATT also represented members against SWRHA with respect to non-payment of gratuity, issues surrounding compensatory leave, complaints about unfair performance appraisals, all with successful outcomes.
Where is JDATT (Junior Doctors Association) now?
Did they put out any statement or attempt to defend the Junior Doctors in the matter involving the baby (QAC) at NCRHA this year? These are the same individuals who are purporting to Reform MPATT! They have no experience of running an Organisation or at a Negotiation Table. Look at their past history with their own failed initiative!
11th March, 2014
Mr. Kumar Boodram Chief Executive Officer North Central Regional Health Authority Building 39, EWMSC Champs Fleurs. Re: Full Disclosure of Information Pertinent to Investigation Surrounding the Death of Infant of Ms. Quelly Ann Cottle on March 1st 2014. Dear Mr. Boodram MPATT has been approached for advice by one of its members who was involved in the incident at caption. As such, we request full disclosure of the investigation thus far, including copies of all reports that were submitted by the involved staff. MPATT is in full agreement that a thorough independent investigation should be conducted. The Union gives assurance of full co-operation by any of our members who were involved in the incident, provided that the investigation is conducted in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with all established procedures and protocols. MPATT also insists that any recommendations made upon completion of the investigation be immediately implemented. We await your urgent response in the matter. |
17th March, 2014
Mr. Kumar Boodram Chief Executive Officer North Central Regional Health Authority Building 39, EWMSC Champs Fleurs. Re: Full Disclosure of Information Pertinent to Investigation Surrounding the Death of Infant of Ms. Quelly Ann Cottle on March 1st 2014. Dear Mr. Boodram, MPATT has expressed its support for a fair investigation into the above matter. We note that protocols, as outlined by the Ministry of Health Adverse Events Policy, have been adhered to thus far. It is very unfortunate, however, that confidential reports by staff and administrative personnel of the NCRHA Quality Department can be found in the print media while the investigation is ongoing. We also note that media reports have included some of our Members’ names. Clearly, little or no effort is made to preserve the integrity of the investigations or avoid prejudice to persons interviewed. MPATT views this leakage of confidential information as very unprofessional behaviour by either the NCRHA or Ministry of Health staff who has access to those documents. In the circumstances, MPATT requests that you make every effort to pre-empt another similar occurrence of leakage of confidential reports and again insists that any and all documents concerning this matter be forwarded forthwith so that we can provide proper advice and representation to our members. Your urgent assistance will be greatly appreciated. |
IMPORTANT NOTICE 09/03/2014DUE TO URGENT MATTERS MPATT IS DEALING WITH AT PRESENT (TWO INVESTIGATIONS AT NCRHA), THE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING CARDED FOR 13/3/2014 HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL: DATE: THURSDAY 17TH APRIL 2014 TIME: TO BE ANNOUNCED VENUE: MPATT OFFICE, 86 MAIN ROAD, CHAGUANAS AGENDA: ELECTION OF MPATT EXECUTIVE All financial members in good standing, please be advised that the closing date for nominations for MPATT Executive Elections is Thursday 3rd April, 2014. Nominations can be put in writing and submitted to MPATT’s office, #86 Main Road, Chaguanas. Please address your submissions to MPATT Executive Re: Nominations for Elections. |
IMPORTANT MPATT NOTICEMPATT is aware that members of the medical profession are being investigated following the unfortunate incident at the Mount Hope Women's Hospital on March 1st 2014, which resulted in the death of a preterm newborn. MPATT is always concerned about any adverse event occurring at our public institutions.
MPATT empathizes with and offers our sincerest condolences to the affected family during this ordeal. MPATT has already been approached by a member who was less implicated in this event and continues to offer support and guidance. MPATT is also aware that a doctor has since been suspended from clinical duties pending the completion of an investigation which has been initiated by the Ministry of Health and the NCRHA. However, MPATT notes that, upon review of our records, the suspended colleague is not currently a member of MPATT. Nonetheless, MPATT has offered our services to this doctor. MPATT insists and expects that any investigation undertaken must be done in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with all protocols and procedures to ensure the provision of justice to all parties involved. We hope that the appointed investigative committee will follow the example, the guidance and standards set by Organizations such as the British Medical Association and the General Medical Council (UK) when adjudicating this case. Signed MPATT Executive 09/03/2014 |
MPATT PRESS RELEASEMPATT wishes to extend its deepest condolences to Ms. Quelly Ann Cottle and her family following the death of her child who was delivered by caesarean section on Saturday 1st March 2014 at the Mount Hope Womens Hospital. MPATT understands that an investigation into the matter has commenced and MPATT is in full support of any such investigation, provided that it is conducted in a manner which would ensure adherence to all proper procedures and protocols and in keeping with the principles of natural justice to all affected parties. Signed MPATT Executive 07/03/2014 |
Press Release 08/02/2014
The Medical Professionals Association of Trinidad and Tobago, in response to the article dated Thursday, February 6, 2014 in the Guardian Newspaper, is utterly disappointed and condemns the statements made by Head of the Police Victims and Witness Support Unit, Ms. Margaret Sampson-Browne. It should be noted that it was Doctors that brought the statistics to her attention and her uneducated and reactionary response was wholly uncalled for. There is no data quoted in the article to suggest that the doctors have not alerted the Social Services or Police when cases of Teenage Pregnancy present to the public or private sector. Rather than Ms. Sampson-Browne condemn the perpetrators of the nefarious acts, she impetuously defers responsibility to those entrusted with the victims’ medical care. MPATT is also disappointed in The Guardian for being deliberately sensationalist, biased and controversial for monetary gain, by publishing the headline “JAIL DOCTORS” instead of stating the true topic of Teenage Pregnancy in our Society. MPATT is in full support of the reporting of cases of sexual abuse of minors to the relevant authorities, as outlined in the Sexual Offences Act Section 31. However, the issue of doctor patient confidentiality does make it difficult for a doctor to personally make such a report and at the same time retain the trust of their patients to adhere to and even seek further medical care in the future. As is the current practice, doctors are primarily responsible for the medical aspect of patient care and when such other issues as sexual offences are present, it is the duty of the doctor to involve other members of the health care team such as the medical social workers who will pursue the matter further, beyond the scope of the doctor, by investigating the social circumstances and making the necessary reports to other authorities. In this regard, MPATT wishes to encourage all doctors to continue advocating for the best medical care of their patients and also to involve the other members of the multidisciplinary health care team to provide a holistic approach to patient care while maintaining the trust and compliance of all patients in their management plan. MPATT Executive |
Important Email to MPATT members
An important email Notice was sent to you on 20th September, 2013 regarding the recent removal of MVT/VAT exemptions, treatment of Compensatory/Vacation days and an update on Salary Negotiations 2009-2011.
If you are a MPATT member in good standing and have not received this email, please contact MPATT's office at 671-6557 or email us at [email protected]
An important email Notice was sent to you on 20th September, 2013 regarding the recent removal of MVT/VAT exemptions, treatment of Compensatory/Vacation days and an update on Salary Negotiations 2009-2011.
If you are a MPATT member in good standing and have not received this email, please contact MPATT's office at 671-6557 or email us at [email protected]
MPATT Meeting in EWMSC
Date: Wednesday 17th April, 2013
Venue: EWMSC.
Time: 1pm
Agenda: Discussion of removal of Motor vehicle tax and vat exemptions on purchase of motor vehicles by Doctors
Please make every attempt to join the discussion.
Date: Friday 22nd March, 2013
Venue: Doctors' Common Room
Time: 11:30am
Agenda: Recent discontinuation of the provision to doctors for Motor vehicle tax and VAT exemptions on purchase of vehicles.
DATE: Friday 12thOctober, 2012
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
VENUE: Doctors Common Room,
Port of Spain General Hospital.
AGENDA: Current State of Negotiations 2009-2011
Please make every effort to attend!
Press Release re : MPATT’s response to Round Table Meeting
A much publicized meeting was held on Friday 28th September, 2012, between member unions of the Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM), other civil society organizations, the Movement for Social Justice and the
People’s National Movement, to discuss issues surrounding and pertaining to the early proclamation of Section 34.
The Medical Professionals’Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MPATT), a member union of the JTUM, was invited by the JTUM and attended the meeting in good faith, in the interest of the wider national concern and, most importantly, to listen and understand, on behalf of its membership, the views of all concerned, so as to avoid an uneducated conclusion. Accordingly, MPATT would like to clarify its position following this
MPATT joins the Joint Trade Union Movement and its member unions in their concern for the events leading to and following the early proclamation of Section 34. We note though, that there was unanimous support in the
parliament for the bill so there must be validity and merit to it.
Indeed, after listening to all concerned, it is our respectful view that this event has been a serious indictment on our parliament and can be likened to what we term in the medical profession as ‘systemic failure’.
MPATT pointed out at the meeting that when a system fails,changing personalities does not fix it. It is the system that needs reviewing and our attention should be focused on improving the system.
MPATT would further like to commend the Acting President’s exemplary admission of personal failure and acceptance of responsibility as the President of the Senate. We welcome his proposals for reform and hope that it will be given due consideration.
Accordingly, MPATT disassociates itself from the ‘Declaration of Co-operation’.
Executive of MPATT
· Almost one (1) year of research was conducted to prepare a comprehensive package for the period 2009-2011, based on the External Market Value, comparative salaries from the Salaries Review Commission, and justified based on importance of health care to the development of a country.
· MPATT submitted proposals for period 2009-2011 on December 4th 2009.
· Neither Minister Jerry Narace nor Minister Therese Baptiste-Cornelis named a Joint Negotiating Team (JNT), despite repeated attempts by MPATT to get negotiations underway.
· Minister of Health, Dr. Fuad Khan, only appointed a JNT on January 2012.
· The first meeting with the JNT was held on February 2nd 2012. The JNT acknowledged MPATT’s proposal and advised MPATT that a counter proposal would be submitted to the Ministry of Health
· MPATT met with the Minister of Health, Dr Fuad Khan, on July 16th 2012. MPATT was assured that the Ministry would complete its evaluation of the counter proposal and submit this to the Chief Personnel Officer (CPO).
· The following file contains the correspondences thereafter to February 2013. Please note the dates sent and received. MPATT met with the Minister of Health, Dr. Fuad Khan on June 5th 2013 where the outstanding salary negotiations 2009-2011 was raised and the recent removal of Motor Vehicle Tax and V.A.T. exemptions was discussed. The Minister indicated that a team was assembled to work on counter proposals to MPATT's initial submission and that this should take them 3 months. The Minister also indicated that he had to speak to the Ministry of Finance regarding the removal of MV tax and VAT exemptions and would get back to MPATT on this issue.
The Ministry's team is currently working on preparing counter proposals and these should be ready shortly (06/11/13).

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DATE: Thursday 20th September, 2012
TIME: 12:30pm
VENUE: Doctors Conference Room,
Sangre Grande District Hospital
AGENDA: Current State of Negotiations 2009-2011
Please make every effort to attend.
Dear Colleagues,
MPATT has formed an alliance with B- Mobile to provide discount rates for B-Mobile services. This is available to all FINANCIAL members. A doctor is deemed to be a FINANCIAL member if their monthly Trade Union Dues are taken out of their salary package by their employer or if they pay the equivalent of a minimum of twelve months subscription for which they will receive a letter stating the time period covered. When no monthly Trade Union Dues are paid and/or the member is deemed to be in arrears, the member will no longer be entitled to the preferential rates and B-Mobile will automatically revert their bill to normal rates with immediate effect. B-Mobile also reserves the right to request payment of retroactive amounts as applicable. For more info please see B-MOBILE MPATT members who are interested in this offer are asked to contact me at: [email protected] Doctors who wish to join MPATT should submit their application form and $50.00 ENTRANCE FEE to their local representatives or to MPATT office. B-Mobile is willing to visit each main institution (POSGH, SFGH, EWMSC, SGH, ETC) to facilitate groups of more than 20 applicants. Handsets are will also be available at reduced rates. All applicants require prior approval of MPATT. Your humble servant MPATT Philip Ayoung-Chee MPATT – Members Benefits Uniting, Protecting and Advancing the Medical Profession 86 Main Road, Chaguanas E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 671 6557FAX: 671 9483 September 12th, 2012.